The Missouri Review
Article examining the representation of death in contemporary art, including works by Audrey Flack, Jeanette May, Dan Bannino, and Paul Béliveau. Download PDF file here.
The Missouri Review, Volume 46, Number 2, Summer 2023, “Vanitas: The Art of Death and Decay,” by Kristine Somerville.

Voices of Photography
Voices of Photography, Issue 34, “Optical Toys,” 2023, Artists Showcase: Tech Vanitas / Curious Devices, Jeanette May, print and digital editions.
Voices of Photography is an independent publication based in Taiwan and dedicated to image culture. Since its inception in 2011, VOP has been exploring the culture, history and philosophy of photography, and continually promoting imagery reading, critique, and research.

Dodho Magazine
The international photography magazine, Dodho, is available both online and in print. Each issue features the work of just six photographers and is distributed at festivals, galleries, and agencies around the world.
Dodho Magazine, Issue #23, December 2022, Jeanette May, Curious Devices, featured photographer.
The digital version may be downloaded for free:

Audubon Magazine
Audubon Magazine, Winter 2021, still life photographs for Dan Koeppel’s article “Where Have All the Rare Bird Alerts Gone?”.
The National Audubon Society commissioned Jeanette May to create two still life photographs to accompany the article “Where Have All the Rare Bird Alerts Gone?” about bird watching and obsolete technology. Her photographs were published in the Winter 2021 print magazine and can also be viewed online.

Barbara Magazine
Barbara magazine, Issue #31, December 2018, “It should look like an accident,” feature on “Morbidity & Mortality” photography series.
The German women’s magazine, Barbara, aims to be smarter and funnier than the typical women’s magazine. The theme for this issue was “crime,” so May’s photos of pet toys as murder victims fit perfectly. Each photo was accompanied by a humorous description of how the “accident” may have happened. Dorthe Hansen wrote the text.

Catalogues of Jeanette May’s recent photography projects are available from Blurb Books.